Like most text editors, our editor uses Enter to add a paragraph break (double space). To single space, use Shift+Enter. This is also true with Word. If you have created a document in Word and plan to copy it into FundEasy, make sure you use Shift+Enter for a line break (single space) and Enter for a paragraph break (double space). This video has more information about line spacing in Word. 

(Read video transcript here.)

Additionally, some templates, like the Invitation email, have tables to create columns. These columns may affect alignment and spacing. You can delete columns by clicking into the column and then clicking the Column option in the toolbar. Please contact Support if you need help customizing your templates.

Here is an overview of the tools in our text editor:


  1. Paragraph - choose header styles here. In Attendance, these correspond to the header styles in the theme you chose in Design.
  2. A - Font family. Your overall font styles are chosen in Design, but you can change individual fonts here.
  3. T - Text or font size.
  4. Drop - color. You have choices for both the color of your text and the color of the background behind the individual characters.
  5. B, I, U - Bold, italic, and underline.
  6. Align - You can choose align left, align right, align center, and align justify.
  7. Bulleted list
  8. Ordered list 
  9. Horizontal line
  10. Table - Tables are handy to use when you need to add information in columns and rows. It's also handy for deleting columns or rows that are in your templates--like removing buttons on templates.
  11. Link - add a hyperlink to text
  12. Image- Upload an image. Once uploaded, there is a list of more options
  13. Video - We don't host your video, but you can add a link to your video that you have hosted on another site. You can also add the embed code. Once uploaded, there is a list of more optionsNote: Videos on email templates, even those added through event description variables, will not appear on email templates. You can add a screenshot of the video to the template and then link the image to the hosted video.
  14. Upload file - this is how you can upload a .PDF for someone to download more information. Click here for more options.
  15. HTML - if you are familiar with HTML code, you can enter or edit it here.