You can add and replace buttons on most templates in FundEasy.

Adding a Button to a Web and Email Template

Here's how to add an additional button image to a Web and Email Template:

  1. Go to Event Setup > Web & Email Templates and click on the Web Template you'd like to add a button to.
  2. Click the Edit Template button in the top right corner.
  3. Click where you would like to add a button.
  4. Click the Insert Image button in the toolbar at the top of the Email Message field and drag-and-drop a button image into the box that says "Drop image." Or click that box to choose the image from your computer.
  5. Click on the button image and use the Align icon in the small toolbar that appears below the image to center the image. Use the Change Size icon in the toolbar or drag the blue squares at the corners of the image to resize the image, if necessary.
  6. With the image selected, click the Insert Link icon in the small toolbar below the image and enter the URL that you'd like the button to direct to (for example, your organization's giving site). Click Insert.
  7. Click Done at the bottom of the page.

Creating a button in HTML (Web Templates only)

For web templates, instead of inserting an image, You can add a HTML button. Since some email software doesn't read HTML, we don't recommend this option in email. However, once you create an HTML button, you can screenshot the button to use the image in other templates, including email templates.

Here's how to insert and edit the button HTML:

  1. Go to Event Setup > Web & Email Templates and click on the Web Template you'd like to add a button to.
  2. Click the Edit Template button in the top right corner.
  3. Click the Code View icon in the toolbar at the top of the Page Body field.
  4. Add this button code:
    <div"><a class="btn _general _beveled -lrg" href="url goes here"><span class="btn-title">Title text</span><br>Body text</a></div>​
    To edit the wording of the button, replace "Title Text" and "Body Text" with wording of your choice. This will change the wording on the button, which you can see by clicking the Code View icon again.
  5. From the editor again, click the button to add the URL where you want the button to be linked. 
  6. Click Done at the bottom of the page.

Note: These HTML buttons won't work in email templates, but once you create an HTML button, you can screenshot the button to use the image in other templates, including email templates.

Button Images

Below are several button images you can use. If you don't see something that meets your needs, you can always create your own button image to use.