Register a guest from Declined Invitations in Attendance

  1. Select Email Invitations from the left toolbar
  2. Select Declined Invitations.
  3. Click the checkbox of the guest that you would like to register to your event. You can only register one declined person at a time. This guest will receive a confirmation email if they added an email to their decline.
  4. Click the Register button at the bottom of the Declined list.
  5. Complete the Registration Form.

Register a declined Attendance guest silently (no confirmation email sent)

    1. Select Email Invitations from the left toolbar
    2. Select Declined Invitations.
    3. Click the checkbox of the guest(s) that you would like to register to your event. You can silently register more than one guest at a time. Guests who are registered silently will NOT receive their confirmation email.
    4. Click the Register Silently button at the bottom of the Declined list.
    5. The Register to which group? drop down will appear. Select the group name in which you would like to register the guest.
    6. Click Go.
Note: To delete someone from Declined Invitations, register them silently, and then Cancel or Delete them from Manage Registrants.