Send Email - This tool is used to send emails to people who are registered to the event that you are in. You can also compose new emails from the chevron menus next to your registrants' names in Manage Registrants. Just click the chevron [v] to the right of someone's name to send them an email, or use the Bulk Actions tool to send multiple emails.

Email Invitations - Use this tool to send invitations for your event. You can now upload a CSV file with names, email addresses, phone numbers, and snail mail addresses. Once uploaded, you can send invitations from this list.

We have added a link to the Web & Email Templates to make it quicker for you to make edits to your Invitation Email, but remember: you can edit date, time, location, event description, speaker description, and contact information from Event Setup > Event Details. You can also send invitations from a different event from the chevron [v] menus next to your registrants' names in Manage Registrants.

Sent Invitations - This tool provides a list of people who have sent invitations, the email addresses, and tracking information for those invitations. Your hosts' invitation lists will appear here.

Declined Invitations - This is the list of people who Declined your email invitation. If you are using an event with paying sponsors who are not attending your event, you'll usually find them listed here. This article covers how to register guests from Declined members.